Been in an accident? Have an Injury? Having difficulty with your normal daily living activities? We are here to help. We provide a wide range of assessment and treatment services that help you get your life back, or at least make it easier. Home and safety assessments, worksite assessments, functional capacity assessments and vocational assessments will help to plan a road map to better function. Once the assessments are completed, we provide treatment in the form of education, equipment or furniture modification, and therapeutic support to ensure that your goals are met. If your injuries are as a result of a motor vehicle accident, we can work with your lawyer to provide any documentation that is required and medical legal reports as needed.
- Cognitive Behavioural Functional Capacity Evaluation (cFCE)
- Physical Functional Capacity Evaluation (pFCE)
- Global Functional Capacity Assessment (gFCE) -Physical & Cognitive Assessment
- Concussion Rehabilitation Program
- Cambridge Brain Sciences (CBS)
- OT in Home
- Occupational Therapist Assistant (OTA) Programming
- Worksite
- Vocational Assessment
- PGAP® – Progressive Goal Attainment Program
- On Track
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