Home Adaptation Services
Home Adaptation is “Ageing in Place”, “Inclusive Living spaces ” and “Accessibility ” which have become common phrases used in the media to describe the need for adapt the home environment for safe living for all. LDOT Home Adaptation Services
LDOT Services
Been in an accident? Have an Injury? Having difficulty with your normal daily living activities? We are here to help. We provide a wide range of assessment and treatment services that help you get your life back, or at least
LDOT Consulting
LDOT Occupational Therapy Consultation also known as Supported Quality Practice - "SQPR", provides personal and professional OT consulting services to meet the needs of the OT, the employer, or an organization that requires OT consultation or education support. Supervision is uniquelyOccupational Therapy . Empower Yourself . Do More . Live Better
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT - Merger with Geronimo OT as of May 1, 2023
LDOT and GOT – The Baton Has Been Passed… Merger unites experienced professional Occupational Therapy team “In business as in life, it is not what we leave behind that matters, it is what we pass on and launch forward ….”
Cambridge Brain Sciences (CBS) Assessment
Cambridge Brain Sciences (CBS) uses the latest technology and scientific data to get better insights from modernized versions of classic tasks – they only take a few minutes each. CBS has developed endless test sets, so there is negligible “test
Concussion Rehabilitation Program
Based on literature and resources from Parkwood Hospital’s concussion program, this program is tailored to persons experiencing interruption of daily function due to post-concussion related symptoms. It facilitates a 10 week structured approach to managing energy aimed at preventing aggravated
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Insomnia
Insomnia is the single most commonly reported health problem in adults, and is often related or co-exists with reports of depression and /or anxiety, Chronic pain, PTSD, and other disorders. What we also know, is the stress to fall asleep
Vocational Assessment
Client’s interests, education and experiences are assessed to determine transferable skills. Labour Market Research and/or additional education are all considered. Position tolerance, pain levels and ability to focus are examples of areas assessed to help determine the vocational fit. Please call us
Occupational Therapy Assistant Programming
Our Occupational Therapy Assistants (OTA) work alongside the client’s health care team to provide one on one treatment that is specifically designed for the individual. OTA program goals as described by the client and the rehab team with a client
Work Site Assessment
Both physical tasks and non-physical/cognitive requirements are assessed when considering the position of work placement. These two elements are measured in order to establish return to work goals or determine whether the position remains to be fit for the client post-injury. Please