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Global Functional Capacity Assessment (gFCE)

Global Functional Capacity Assessment (gFCE)

This assessment- as the name suggests – assesses global physical, cognitive and emotional functional capacity that one might need to perform a specific job or any job in general. Capacity is the key word here –a capacity assessment measures how much or how long one can perform a certain function. It also takes into account the effect of pain and fatigue on all the realms of function. This type of assessment is helpful to determine if a person who has physical impairments, as well as cognitive and/or emotional issues related to pain, brain injury and/or psychological disorder, can do their job or any job. It can also help to determine and provide opinion on what accommodations or adaptations they might need to succeed.

Please call us directly at either of our two locations Hamilton: 905-481-1122 or Toronto/Woodbridge: 416-907-6287 so we can communicate with you about your goals.

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Cognitive Behavioural Functional Capacity Evaluation (cFCE)

Cognitive Behavioural Functional Capacity Evaluation (cFCE)

The Cognitive/Behavioural FCE is the next logical step in functional capacity evaluations. A Physical FCE examines only physical capacities, and ignores the cognitive and emotional ones that are often real barriers to returning to the workforce. Which is why at LDOT, we employ certified Matheson Cognitive/Behavioural Functional Capacity Evaluators to perform the Cognitive/Behavioural FCE assessment. The Cognitive/Behavioural FCE includes cognitive functional testing and integration of behavioural observations to ascertain functioning. Hands-on work tasks are also included and designed to reflect tasks that the client would typically complete on a daily basis. Tasks test sustained attention, multi-tasking, distraction tolerance, ability to retain information, effective organization and prioritization skills, and ability to persist through fatigue and pain.

At a reduced combined cost, the Cognitive/Behavioural FCE can be combined with a Physical FCE to determine Global Functioning.

Please call us directly at either of our two locations Hamilton: 905-481-1122 or Toronto/Woodbridge: 416-907-6287 so we can communicate with you about your goals.

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Progressive Goal Attainment Program – PGAP®

Progressive Goal Attainment Program – PGAP®


The Progressive Goal Attainment Program ( PGAP®) is designed to prevent or reduce the severity of disability that can arise following injury or illness by providing individuals with a tool set that assists them in progressing with life.

At LDOT , our therapists are very aware of the challenges our clients face when they try to get back to their normal activities after suffering an accident or injury. Sometimes, pain, anxiety, depression or symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder affect the ability for one to get “on with life”. They become what is often referred to as “chronically disabled”.

Whether addressed in relation to personal, social or health care costs; chronic disability remains one of the most expensive health problems facing modern society. PGAP® was designed to target psychosocial risk factors for disability. Psychosocial factors were chosen by Dr. Michael Sullivan PhD as targets of the intervention on the basis of emerging research supporting their relevance to return-to- work outcomes and the ability to change through intervention.

How does PGAP® work?

During an initial screening, out therapists determine whether a client is a suitable candidate for PGAP®. During the first session, clients are invited to view one of 4 PGAP Information Videos. Different videos have been developed to address factors specific to different disabling conditions. The videos feature interviews with medical and rehabilitation experts on the factors that contribute to successful rehabilitation and recovery. The idea is that our clients are informed of the research behind what they are trying to accomplish.

In the initial weeks of the Program, the focus is on developing a structured activity schedule using a diary system to assist the client in resuming activities that have been affected by injury or illness. Activity goals are chosen by the client – your goals not ours – in order to promote resumption of family, social and occupational roles. Intervention techniques are used to target specific obstacles to rehabilitation progress . That is why PGAP® requires training and certification.

The sessions are limited to 10 weeks. If the client is not progressing or does not feel that this approach is for them, the programme can be terminated, saving time and cost to all.

We feel very strongly about this approach to managing chronic illness. If you have Chronic Pain, are a cancer survivor, suffer from anxiety, depression or have any other chronic health issue that you feel is preventing you from doing what you love to do or need to do in your life, ask us about PGAP®.

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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia – (CBTI)

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia – (CBTI)

insomnia_lrgInsomnia is the single most commonly reported health problem in adults, and is often related or co-exists with reports of depression and /or anxiety, Chronic pain, PTSD, and other disorders. What we also know, is that if someone has insomnia, the stress associated with going to sleep, in order to fall asleep keeps mounting.

We have training to help with the behavioural aspects of insomnia that can:

  • Assess your sleep in a non sleep lab setting
  • Provide sleep management strategies
  • Teach you how to determine your optimal “sleep window”
  • Provide techniques for managing ruminating thoughts and an overactive mind during the night
  • Help troubleshoot the common issues related to sleep conditions

Sessions are available through auto insurance coverage, some extended health insurance coverage and private pay options.

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