Congratulations to Natasha on Graduating with Distinction

Congratulations to Natasha on Graduating with Distinction

On behalf of the team at Lesya Dyk O.T. (LDOT) Services, I would like to extend our congratulations to Natasha Auret, on her graduation from the University of Guelph with a Bachelor of Commerce, Major in Accounting, with Distinction.

Prior to and during her academic career at the University of Guelph, Natasha contributed in various administrative roles to the success of many projects at LDOT. For example, she re-joined our team in the summer of 2015 to organize and spearhead our ‘Document Scanning Project’. Under her direction, thousands of legacy patient files in the possession of LDOT Services were scanned and stored electronically.  The procedures Natasha implemented during the project continue to be used to this day in our document management system.

At present, Natasha has accepted a full-time position at Deloitte which she will commence in September 2017, and is currently completing course work to fast-track her Certified Professional Accountant (CPA) exam eligibility.

We wish Natasha all the best in her future as a Certified Professional Accountant and thank her for her past contributions to Lesya Dyk O.T. Services.

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