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Fall Prevention – In–Home Safety to Address Ageing in Place

Fall Prevention – In–Home Safety to Address Ageing in Place

fall-preventionFall Prevention – Ageing in place – Staying put – Accessible at Home – Inclusive Space,  all are phrases that are being used to address the issue, no – crisis, that is facing us here in Canada.

With the population ageing, the last baby boomers hitting 55 years, with no further long term care facilities being built in the province of Ontario, ageing Ontarians and their caregivers are faced with the reality that to stay healthy, one must learn to live safely at home . Why? According to CDC published study:

  • In 2012–2013, 55% of all unintentional injury deaths among adults aged 65 and over were due to falls.
  • From 2000 through 2013, the age-adjusted fall injury death rate among adults aged 65 and over nearly doubled from 29.6 per 100,000 to 56.7 per 100,000.
  • Falls cause more accidental deaths than all other causes COMBINED.
  • Over 3/4 of all falls occur in or near the home

So while everybody talks about accessibility, for our ageing population, the concern is really Fall Prevention.

How can we help? We provide:

  • No hassle solution
  • A flat rate for initial screening assessment
  • After that, pay for only the services that you want
  • Well trained , experienced and supervised Occupational Therapists
  • A number of solutions depending on client individual needs and budget
  • Able to provide a list of vetted contractors that specialize in accessibility solutions

As regulated health professionals, we do not pay or accept referral fees – our recommendations are in your best interest, not ours

Want more information? Please contact or call our office directly.

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